Aging Advisory Council (AAC)

The Aging Advisory Council (AAC) was formed in 1974 to provide a forum for planning and feedback on aging related issues and problems and to provide review and comment on applications for funding to the CAPCOG Executive Committee. This committee is required by the Older Americans Act. The AAC was created as a voluntary, unincorporated association by a CAPCOG resolution to assist the Area Agency on Aging of the Capital Area in managing the provision of social services under the Older American’s Act of 1965, as amended.

Staff Liason

Jennifer Scott

AAC Purpose

  • Review and comment for the CAPCOG Executive Committee on applications requesting state or federal funds to serve the elderly in the region
  • Advise CAPCOG’s member cities, counties, and special districts, directly or through the CAPCOG Executive Committee, on matters within their jurisdiction to increase awareness of aging issues and how best to address them
  • Assist the aging program staff in encouraging aging oriented agencies to coordinate aging activities, to initiate programs serving the needs of the elderly, and to pool resources directed toward those programs
  • Act as an advocate, particularly in members’ respective appointed county, in recognizing the needs and promoting the interest and rights of the elderly
  • Promote public awareness of aging issues as well as program plans and objectives through frequent publicity, presentations to civic organizations and other interested groups, and public hearings using information gathered from participation on the council
  • Be sensitive to the needs of the elderly and suggest priorities to be followed in meeting those needs, especially for the county the Council member represents
  • Meet, when possible, for educational purposes with groups, agencies and individuals involved in providing services for the elderly
  • Assist the aging program staff in evaluating programs funded under the Older American’s Act of 1965, as amended
  • Provide input to the aging program staff regarding needs and long term local strategies that could be used in the development of the area plan

AAC Bylaws

The council’s bylaws establish how local jurisdictions and their residents are represented on the committee and creates a structure for which the AAC operates. It also states the purpose of the council.

AAC Bylaws

AAC Members

The council consists of a maximum of 19-members that includes older adults, representatives of health care organizations, elected officials and others across private, public and community sectors. Council members elect a chair and vice chair who can serve for up to years.

People interested in serving on this committee or filling a vacancy,  can contact the staff liaison about an appointment or their county officials serving on the CAPCOG Executive Committee. In most cases, CAPCOG Executive Committee members representing the position’s jurisdiction recommend an appointment which are approved by the Executive Committee.

The AAC members include:

  • Ty Murphy, Williamson County, Chair
  • Simone Corprew, Hays County, Vice Chair
  • Suzanne Anderson, City of Austin
  • Barbara Epstein, City of Austin
  • Nicole Howe, City of Austin
  • Mary Moody, Bastrop County
  • Dawn Capra, Blanco County
  • Commissioner Rusty Horne, Caldwell County
  • Kelly Franke, Fayette County
  • Matthew Gonzales, MHA-Hays County
  • Commissioner Mark Matthijetz, Lee County
  • Dr. Jung Kwak, Travis County
  • Fred Lugo, Travis County
  • Paul Stempko, Texas Silver Haired Legislator Rep.
  • Beckye Estill, Williamson County
  • Commissioner Cynthia Long, Williamson County, Executive Committee Liaison
  • Vacant, Burnet County
  • Vacant, Llano County
  • Vacant, Travis County
  • Vacant, Travis County

AAC Meetings

The AAC convenes quarterly on the first Monday of February, May, August and November. Meetings are open to the public. Check the events section below for upcoming meeting details, such as time, date and location.

For past council agendas and minutes contact:

Janine O’Roy