Long-Term Care Ombudsman

The AAACAP Long-term Care Ombudsman Program provides advocacy and friendly support for people living in nursing or assisted-living facilities.

Ombudsmen investigate complaints, report findings and help achieve resolution. Program staff are trained to develop positive relationships with residents and facility staff to help with problem-solving.

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How does an ombudsman work?

Supporting residents and families in resolving problems or differences with facility staff includes defining concerns, explaining rights and identifying possible courses of action.

An ombudsman can help resolve the problem in most cases, but complaints involving serious abuse or neglect are referred to the appropriate agency.

In all situations, confidentiality is maintained and no information is released without permission of the resident or legal guardian.

An ombudsman is a good source of information about selecting a long-term care facility, understanding eligibility criteria, and identifying other services for older adults.

State and regional ombudsman programs work cooperatively with other advocacy organizations. Plus, staff routinely serve on boards and committees of other organizations and actively advocate for policies to promote quality of care.

Contacts & Resources

The following are resources for those living in nursing homes and assisted living facilities, their families or volunteer ombudsmen.

CAPCOG and AAACAP are always seeking volunteer ombudsman.

Consumer Links

Links to other web sites are for information only and are not an endorsement or recommendation.

Fraud Prevention

Some scammers and fraudsters especially target seniors, but consumers can help fight back. The U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging has launched a toll-free hotline for seniors, their loved ones or anyone with information to report suspected fraud and get help. The committee’s investigation team has tackled crimes from investment scams, identity theft and lottery schemes to Medicare and Social Security fraud and more.

Call 855-303-9470 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST weekdays to reach an investigator.