General Assembly to hear about water planning

The CAPCOG General Assembly will hear about state and regional water and flood planning processes during its annual meeting on December 11 at the Austin Southpark Hotel, 4140 Governors Row in Austin. It also will elect the 2025 CAPCOG Executive Committee members.

John Dupnik, Texas Water Development Board’s (TWDB) deputy executive administrator for water science and conservation, will present about the water planning processes that are being coordinated by the TWDB on the state level as well as the regional level. Dupnik, who previously served on CAPCOG’s Water Exploratory Committee in 2017 and 2018, has worked for the TWDB since 2018 and has previously worked for the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations. He is a Texas licensed professional geoscientist and holds degrees in environmental studies and geoscience.

General Assembly Representatives also will elect CAPCOG’s governing body for 2025 from a proposed slate prepared by the Nominating Committee. The recommended 28-person slate includes current executive committee members, but also the following proposed new members: Round Rock Council Member Frank Ortega, Leander Council Member David McDonald, Smithville Council Member Cathy Meek, and Taylor Council Member Robert Garcia, and Texas Representative Caroline Harris-Davila. A complete list of proposed members is available in the meeting’s agenda.

During the meeting, CAPCOG staff will recognizing the efforts of the many volunteers who serve on its advisory and policy committees as well as those who participate in other regional efforts. It will announce the recipients for the 2024 Jack Griesenbeck Leadership in Regionalism Award, the Phil Parmer Volunteer Award, and the Air Central Texas awards.

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Read the Agenda.

Learn more about the CAPCOG General Assembly.
