March 10, 2025 - March 20, 2025
7:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Emergency Telecommunicators
Kyle Police Department
Venue Address:
**Please bring a laptop, iPad or notebook to class**
This Basic Telecommunicator Licensing Course is two weeks of training that includes a test day.
Class dates are as follows:
March 10th -13th ,2025 and March 17th -20th , 2025 with TEST DAY March 21st, 2025
Four 10-hour days starting at 7 a.m. and ending at 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
The course is designed to provide the new career Telecommunicator with an understanding of the emergency communications environment, and the core competencies in both emergency and non-emergency situations required by the Commission for licensing.
- Prior to starting class: students must have a current, nationally recognized Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) certification.
- This includes, but is not limited to, courses from the American Heart Association and the American Red Cross. The CPR course must be taken in-person and the student must complete practical scenarios for adult/infant/AED to be certified.
- The student must have in person CPR class on their TCOLE report to take the class.
TCOLE Course Number: 1080
TCOLE Training Hours: 80
Instructor: Tina Chaffin
Tina has over 26 years of experience as a 9-1-1 Emergency Communication Professional/Training Specialist. She has experience in ECCs (large and small) and currently works in a small ECC in the San Antonio area. Tina is passionate about training and public education. Tina holds the following certifications:
- TCOLE Advanced Instructor
- NCMEC Course Instructor
Special Instructions:
Dress Code: To promote a professional training environment, CAPCOG requires proper attire. Attendee must provide their PID # to receive TCOLE credit for courses taken through CAPCOG. CAPCOG provides training for the Emergency Communication Centers (ECC) in our region at no cost to 9-1-1 telecommunicators and their departments. When space is reserved for a 9-1-1 training class offered by CAPCOG, students or the supervisor who made the reservation must cancel such reservation at least two business days prior to start of the class.
For Questions
Contact Pamela Frisk, CAPCOG. 9-1-1 Senior Training & Public Education Coordinator.