Group Crisis Intervention for Telecommunicators at CAPCOG

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Telecommunicatorshow details + $0.00 USD  

  • Telecommunicator
     May 27, 2025 - May 28, 2025
     8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Capital Area Council of Governments - Cedar Training Room

Venue Phone: 512-916-6000

Venue Website:

Venue Address:
6800 Burleson Road, Building 310, CAPCOG Training Center, Austin, Texas, 78744, United States


Enter the classroom through the CAPCOG training entrance. This entrance is located under the metal awning near the main parking lot.

Walk down the long hallway to the room.  Signs will be posted to help with direction.

This 2-day course is designed to present the core elements of a comprehensive, systematic, and multi-component crisis intervention curriculum.

Knowing that many Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) teams must complete an ICISF certified class, and that many of these skills are directly beneficial to the wider First Responder Community, 911TI has built a class to not only meet necessary certification qualifications but also focus on the specific stressors and critical incidents experienced by First Responders.

Participants will leave class understanding:

  • Key Crisis terms & concepts
  • Key Stress terms & concepts
  • Resistance, Resilience and Recovery
  • Components of the CISM system
  • Elements of the CISM strategic planning formula Informational vs. interactive groups
  • The need for appropriate follow-up services and referrals

Participants will also gain the tools necessary to excel at a wide range of group crisis intervention services, including:

  • Demobilizations
  • Defusings
  • Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD)
  • Class is applicable to all telecommunicators, including CISM and Peer Support
  • team members Scenarios/Role Plays will be tailored to the specific needs of 911 professionals and field responders
  • Approved by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation
  • State Approvals: MI SNC MCI2024-4537

NOTE: This class is approved by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation {ICISF) and participants will receive the IC/SF Student Manual

Instructor: Dr. Rick Janka

Dr. Rick Janka is a licensed clinical psychologist and the Clinical Director at Solid Ground Counseling. He has held positions as a Corrections Psychologist, Reserve Deputy, and Michigan State Police Staff Psychologist. In this latter role his responsibilities included training crisis negotiators, dispatcher wellness training, and serving as coordinator for the department’s Peer Support Program. Dr. Janka is also an ICISF certified CISM Instructor.
Dr. Janka received his Doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology from the Michigan School of Psychology, and has an M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Moody Theological Seminary.

Special Instructions:

Dress Code: To promote a professional training environment, CAPCOG requires proper attire.  Attendee must provide their PID # to receive TCOLE credit for courses taken through CAPCOG. CAPCOG provides training for the Emergency Communication Centers (ECC) in our region at no cost to 9-1-1 telecommunicators and their departments. When space is reserved for a 9-1-1 training class offered by CAPCOG, students or the supervisor who made the reservation must cancel such reservation at least two business days prior to start of the class.

For Questions

Contact Pamela Frisk, CAPCOG. 9-1-1 Senior Training & Public Education Coordinator.