April 7, 2025 - April 9, 2025
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Emergency Telecommunicators, Homeland Security, Peace Officers
Georgetown Public Safety Operations and Training Center
Venue Phone: 512-930-2749
Your PID from TCOLE
Your TLETs user ID from DPS (for Telecommunicators, Peace Officers, and Jailers)
A Laptop or IPAD to access the manual and take the test.
***There will be no printed manuals available***
TCOLE #4800 Mobile Operator – 8 hours, Day 1
This course is for operators who perform TCIC/NCIC functions at any level lower than full access. Generally, this pertains to inquiry only, including mobile digital terminal (MDT) or laptop computer operators. It also covers information about driver license and vehicle registration. This course requires the TCIC/TLETS Operation Manual Part 1. Operators must receive this training within the first six months of assignment or employment, regardless of whether these duties are performed on a full-time or part-time basis.
TCOLE #4801 Less Than Full Access Operator – 16 hours, Day 1 & 2
This course is for operators who perform TCIC/NCIC functions at any level lower than full access. Generally, this pertains to inquiry only. It also covers navigation of the databases that are connected to the TLETS system such as administrative messages, driver license, vehicle registration, and instructions regarding proper procedures for broadcasting in the state and nationwide. Operators must receive this training within the first six months of assignment or employment, regardless of whether these duties are performed on a full-time or part-time basis. This course is typically required for jailers running CCQ or ECPs who do not enter into NCIC/TCIC.
TCOLE #4802 Full Access Operator – 24 hours, Day 1, 2 & 3
This course is for operators who perform all TCIC/NCIC functions, including inquiry, entry, modification, clearing, canceling, and III functions. It also covers navigation of the databases that are connected to the TLETS system such as administrative messages, driver license, vehicle registration, and instructions regarding proper procedures for broadcasting in the state and nationwide. Operators must receive this training within the first six months of assignment or employment, regardless of whether these duties are performed on a full-time or part-time basis.
Instructor: Monica Dominguez
Currently a Communications Supervisor with the Georgetown PD. Monica started her law enforcement career in June 1999 with the Brownfield Police Department and has over 19 years of service. She started with the Georgetown Police Department in December 2004 and was promoted to a Communications Supervisor in 2006 along with becoming a Communications Training Officer. Monica received her Master Telecommunications certificate in January 2014 and became a TCOLE Instructor in August 2017. She is fluent in reading, writing, and speaking Spanish.
Special Instructions:
Dress Code: To promote a professional training environment, CAPCOG requires proper attire. Attendee must provide their PID # to receive TCOLE credit for courses taken through CAPCOG. CAPCOG provides training for the Emergency Communication Centers (ECC) in our region at no cost to 9-1-1 telecommunicators and their departments. When space is reserved for a 9-1-1 training class offered by CAPCOG, students or the supervisor who made the reservation must cancel such reservation at least two business days prior to start of the class.
For Questions
Contact Pamela Frisk, CAPCOG. 9-1-1 Senior Training & Public Education Coordinator.