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Homeland Security Task Force (HSTF)
The Homeland Security Task Force (HSTF) was formed in 2002 by CAPCOG to primarily assist staff in planning, coordinating, evaluating, and recommending projects for grants received from the State of Texas. In addition, it assists with the development of the Region’s Homeland Security Strategic Plan, Long-Term Interoperability Plan, training of first responders, and coordination of regional projects.
Martin Ritchey
- Homeland Security
- Director
- 512-916-6026
- [email protected]
Staff Liason
Task Force’s Purpose
The mission of the CAPCOG Homeland Security Task Force is to facilitate regional homeland security activities among local jurisdictions, including, but not limited to: planning, training, funding, and mutual aid consistent with the State of Texas Emergency Management Plan and to maximize effective and efficient use of resources.
- To review and comment for the CAPCOG Executive Committee on applications requesting state or federal funds.
- To advise CAPCOG’s member cities, counties, and special districts, directly or through the CAPCOG Executive Committee, on matters within their jurisdiction pertaining to homeland security and emergency management.
- To prepare and submit for CAPCOG Executive Committee approval regional plans and procedures for dealing with homeland security and emergency management issues that require cooperation and coordinated activity by multiple CAPCOG jurisdictions.
- To conduct training workshops
The task force also plays a vital role in ensuring that the communities and residents are protected and prepared for large scale emergencies. Training for first responders is coordinated by a work group of the task force. Often the actual trainers are members on the task force. HSTF is also responsible for developing or assisting local jurisdictions to establish exercise criteria and participate in the exercises.
The Task Force’s Bylaws
The HSTF’s bylaws state the purpose of the advisory committee and set the foundation for which the committee operates. They also include the creation of several programmatic standing committees that help direct staff in determining joint exercises and training and help foster homeland security and emergency management communications, needs and issues.
Task Force Members
The HSTF consists of 27-members to include each county’s emergency management coordinator and one coordinator from a large, medium and small municipality. Other members of the task force are selected from a variety of public safety disciplines — fire fighters, law enforcement, and emergency medical services — from large, medium and small cities. Its bylaws also dedicates positions for Texas Department of Emergency Management, a public health entity, the Capital Area Trauma Regional Advisory Council, and public schools.
People interested in serving on this committee or filling a vacancy, can contact the staff liaison about an appointment or their county officials serving on the CAPCOG Executive Committee. In most cases, CAPCOG Executive Committee members representing the position’s jurisdiction recommend an appointment which are approved by the Executive Committee.
Current Homeland Security Task Force Members include:
Task Force Meetings
The HSTF meets monthly on the first Thursday of the month. Its meetings are open to the public and are widely attended by a number of local state and national public health and safety organizations not represented on the task force who provide valuable input into the committee’s mission. Check the events section for upcoming meeting details, such as time, date and location.
For past HSTF agendas and minutes contact:
Deedra Harrison
- Homeland Security
- Program Manager
- 512-916-6035
- [email protected]
- EMC Christine Rogers, Georgetown, Chair
- EMC Jason Snelgrove, Lee County, Vice–Chair
- Assistant Chief Jeffrey Kennedy, Austin Fire Department
- Acting EMC Bill Wilson, Austin
- Chief Epidemiologist Janet Pichette, Austin Public Health
- Assistant Chief Kevin Parker, Austin-Travis County EMS
- EMC James Altgelt, Bastrop County
- EMC and Commissioner Chris Liesmann, Blanco County
- EMC Wendy Smith, Buda
- EMC Derek Marchio, Burnet County
- EMC Hector Rangel, Caldwell County
- Executive Director Douglas Havron, CATRAC
- EMC Angela Hahn, Fayette County
- EMC Mike Jones, Hays County
- Chief Scott Kerwood, Hutto Fire Rescue
- Chief David Gilbreath, La Grange Police Department
- EMC Gilbert Bennett, Llano County
- Chief Randy Jenkins, Lockhart Fire Rescue
- Executive Director Johnny Campbell, Marble Falls Area EMS
- Chief Jason O’Malley, Pflugerville Police Department
- Dpt. Executive Director of Administrative Services Roger Dees, Region 13 Education Service Center
- District 12 Chief Cody McDonell, Texas Division of Emergency Management
- EMC Eric Carter, Travis County
- Cpt. William Poole, Travis County Sheriff’s Office
- EMC Bruce Clements, Williamson County
- Director Mike Knipstein, Williamson County EMS
- Commissioner Joe Don Dockery, Burnet County, Executive Committee Liaison