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Water Infrastructure Funding
In an effort to coordinate drought, conservation, flooding and water infrastructure through its Water Central Texas initiative, CAPCOG compiled the following grant opportunities and a list of state and federal organizations that supply funding opportunities on the topics throughout the year.
The TWDB offers a variety of cost-effective loan and grant programs that provide for the planning, acquisition, design, and construction of water related infrastructure and other water quality improvements totaling about $27.8 billion.
Groundwater Conservation District Loan Program (GDLP)
The GDLP provides loans to finance the start-up costs of Groundwater Conservation Districts. Funding is available for any Groundwater District or Authority with the authority to regulate the spacing of water wells, the production from water wells, or both. The district must be a newly confirmed district or a legislatively created district that does not require a confirmation election.
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Loan Program
The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund provides low-cost financial assistance for planning, acquisition, design, and construction of water infrastructure. Applicants can include publicly and privately owned community water systems, including nonprofit water supply corporations and nonprofit, non-community public water systems.
State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT)
Affordable, ongoing financial assistance for projects in the state water plan. The SWIFT program helps communities develop and optimize water supplies at cost-effective rates. The program provides low-interest loans, extended repayment terms, deferral of loan repayments, and incremental repurchase terms for projects with state ownership aspects.
Application Period Open
TWDB opened the application period for the 2020 SWIFT funding cycle on Dec. 2, 2019. Abridged applications are due by midnight, Monday, Feb. 3, 2020. They may be submitted via the TWDB’s online application system or by paper copy. Eligible projects must be recommended in the 2017 State Water Plan.
Clean Water State Revolving Fund
The Clean Water State Revolving Fund provides low-cost financial assistance for planning, acquisition, design, and construction of wastewater, reuse, and storm water infrastructure. Eligible applicants include cities, counties, districts, river authorities, designated management agencies, authorized Indian tribal organizations, and public and private entities proposing non-point source or estuary management projects.