9-1-1 Homicide: Is the Caller the Killer?

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Studentshow details + $0.00 USD  

  • Student
     March 3, 2025 - March 4, 2025
     8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Capital Area Council of Governments - Pecan Room

Venue Phone: 512-916-6000

Venue Website:

Venue Address:
6800 Burleson Road, Building 310, Suite 165, Austin, Texas, 78744, United States


Please enter the Pecan through the CAPCOG main entrance. You will pass the CAPCOG reception desk.

This course is for those who initially take the 9-1-1 homicide phone call and those that investigate and prosecute homicides focusing on the call made by all individuals during 9-1-1 homicide phone calls. Thirty percent of all murderers call in their own crime pretending to be innocent. The Indicators of Guilt and Innocence will be explained. Each Indicator is thoroughly defined, discussed and the class will use tools to analyze actual 9-1-1 homicide cases in class.

The course will raise student awareness on the importance of examining 9-1-1 calls made by individuals reporting a death or homicide, and obtaining valuable information about the offender and the offense from a critical analysis of the taped call.

Instructor:  Deputy Chief Tracy Harpster

Deputy Chief Tracy Harpster (Moraine Police Department, Moraine Ohio). Since 1984 Tracy served his department in numerous capacities before being promoted to the rank of Deputy Chief. He’s a graduate of the FBI’s National Academy, a member of the Vidocq Society, and served as Task Force Director in the Ohio Organized Crime Task Force Commission.

Deputy Chief Tracy Harpster (Moraine Police Department, Moraine, Ohio) .  Since 1984 Tracy has served his debarment in numerous capacities before being promoted to the rant of Deputy Chief.  He’s a graduate of the FBI’s National Academy and served as Task Force Director in the Ohio Organized Task Force Commission.

Deputy Chief Harpster achieved a B.S. from Bowling Green State University and a M.S. from the University of Cincinnati. His Master’s Thesis examined the indicators of innocence and guilt of 911 homicide callers.

He has written extensively on the subject, presented his course at national and international homicide conferences, while assisting in over 1,300 homicides cases by analyzing the 911 calls to help solve the crime.

Special Instructions:

Dress Code: To promote a professional training environment, CAPCOG requires proper attire.  Attendee must provide their PID # to receive TCOLE credit for courses taken through CAPCOG. CAPCOG provides training for the Emergency Communication Centers (ECC) in our region at no cost to 9-1-1 telecommunicators and their departments. When space is reserved for a 9-1-1 training class offered by CAPCOG, students or the supervisor who made the reservation must cancel such reservation at least two business days prior to start of the class.

For Questions

Contact Pamela Frisk, CAPCOG. 9-1-1 Senior Training & Public Education Coordinator.